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Swarms in Torch

A home for swarming algorithms like PSO, Ant Colony, Sakana, and more in PyTorch primitives through an emphasis on use-ability, reliability, and performance.


You can install the package using pip

pip3 install swarms-torch


  • We have just PSO now, but we're adding in ant colony and others!
from swarms_torch import ParticleSwarmOptimization

pso = ParticleSwarmOptimization(goal="Attention is all you need", n_particles=100)
  • Ant Colony Optimization
    from swarms_torch.ant_colony_swarm import AntColonyOptimization
    # Usage:
    goal_string = "Hello ACO"
    aco = AntColonyOptimization(goal_string, num_iterations=1000)
    best_solution = aco.optimize()
    print("Best Matched String:", best_solution)


Here are 10 swarming neural network algorithms, with brief overviews, algorithmic pseudocode, and potential use cases for each:

  1. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

    • Overview: Simulates the social behavior of birds flocking or fish schooling. It adjusts trajectories of individual agents (particles) based on their own and their neighbors' best known positions.
    • Pseudocode:
      Initialize each particle with random position and velocity
      while not converged:
          for each particle:
              calculate fitness value
              if fitness better than its best, update its best
          end for
          for each particle:
              update velocity towards its best and global best
              update position
          end for
      end while
    • Use Cases: Function optimization, neural network training, feature selection.
  2. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)

    • Overview: Simulates the foraging behavior of ants to find paths through graphs. Uses pheromones to mark good paths, which evaporate over time.
    • Pseudocode:
      Initialize pheromones on paths
      while not converged:
          deploy ants to find paths based on pheromone strengths
          update pheromone strengths based on quality of paths
          evaporate some pheromone
      end while
    • Use Cases: Path finding, traveling salesman problem, network routing.
  3. Bee Algorithm (BA)

    • Overview: Simulates the behavior of honey bees finding optimal nectar sources.
    • Pseudocode:
      Initialize scout bees randomly
      while not converged:
          deploy scout bees to search for nectar
          recruit forager bees based on nectar quality
          more foragers for better nectar sources
      end while
    • Use Cases: Job scheduling, function optimization, image processing.
  4. Firefly Algorithm (FA)

    • Overview: Based on the flashing behavior of fireflies. Fireflies are attracted to each other depending on the brightness of their flashing.
    • Pseudocode:
      Initialize fireflies randomly
      while not converged:
          for each firefly:
              move towards brighter fireflies
          end for
      end while
    • Use Cases: Multi-modal optimization, feature selection, clustering.
  5. Bat Algorithm (BA)

    • Overview: Inspired by the echolocation behavior of bats. Bats fly randomly and adjust positions based on emitted and returned echoes.
    • Pseudocode:
      Initialize bats with random positions and velocities
      while not converged:
          for each bat:
              adjust velocity based on echolocation feedback
              move bat
          end for
      end while
    • Use Cases: Engineering design, tuning machine learning algorithms, scheduling.
  6. Wolf Search Algorithm (WSA)

    • Overview: Models the hunting behavior of gray wolves.
    • Pseudocode:
      Initialize wolves
      while not converged:
          calculate fitness of all wolves
          rank wolves: alpha, beta, delta, and omega
          adjust position of omega wolves towards alpha, beta, and delta
      end while
    • Use Cases: Neural network training, function optimization, game AI.
  7. Fish School Search (FSS)

    • Overview: Simulates the social behavior of fish schooling.
    • Pseudocode:
      Initialize fish randomly in search space
      while not converged:
          for each fish:
              if neighbor has better food, move towards it
              else explore randomly
          end for
          adjust school behavior based on total food
      end while
    • Use Cases: Load balancing, function optimization, robotics.
  8. Cuckoo Search (CS)

    • Overview: Based on the reproduction strategy of cuckoos. They lay eggs in host bird nests and those nests with the best eggs (solutions) will carry on to the next generation.
    • Pseudocode:
      Initialize host nests with eggs (solutions)
      while not converged:
          lay new eggs by Levy flights
          if new egg better than the worst in nest, replace it
          discover a fraction of nests and lay new eggs
      end while
    • Use Cases: Engineering design optimization, image processing, numerical optimization.
  9. Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA)

    • Overview: Simulates the bubble-net hunting strategy of humpback whales.
    • Pseudocode:
      Initialize whales
      while not converged:
          for each whale:
              encircle prey or search using bubble-net approach
          end for
      end while
    • Use Cases: Structural optimization, neural network training, function optimization.
  10. Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA)

    • Overview: Simulates the swarming behavior of grasshoppers towards food sources.
    • Pseudocode:
      Initialize grasshoppers
      while not converged:
          for each grasshopper:
              adjust position towards other grasshoppers based on distance and food source
          end for
      end while
    • Use Cases: Job scheduling, clustering, neural network training.
