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AntColonyOptimization Class

The AntColonyOptimization class implements the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. ACO is a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems which can be reduced to finding good paths through graphs.


  • goal (str): The goal string to be optimized.
  • num_ants (int): Number of ants.
  • evaporation_rate (float): Evaporation rate.
  • alpha (int): The relative importance of the pheromone.
  • beta (int): The relative importance of the heuristic information.
  • num_iterations (int): The number of iterations.
  • pheromones (torch.Tensor): The pheromone levels.
  • solutions (list): The solutions found by the ants.


__init__(self, goal: str = None, num_ants: int = 10000, evaporation_rate: float = 0.1, alpha: int = 1, beta: int = 1, num_iterations: int = 10010)

The constructor for the AntColonyOptimization class. Initializes the pheromone levels and the solutions.


  • goal (str, optional): The goal string to be optimized.
  • num_ants (int, optional): Number of ants. Default is 10000.
  • evaporation_rate (float, optional): Evaporation rate. Default is 0.1.
  • alpha (int, optional): The relative importance of the pheromone. Default is 1.
  • beta (int, optional): The relative importance of the heuristic information. Default is 1.
  • num_iterations (int, optional): The number of iterations. Default is 10010.


aco = AntColonyOptimization(goal="Hello ACO", num_ants=10000, num_iterations=1000)

fitness(self, solution)

Computes the fitness of a solution. The fitness is the negative of the Euclidean distance between the solution and the goal.


  • solution (torch.Tensor): The solution to compute the fitness for.


  • fitness (float): The fitness of the solution.


fitness =


Updates the pheromone levels based on the fitness of the solutions.




Chooses the next path based on the pheromone levels. The probability of choosing a path is proportional to the pheromone level of the path.


  • path (int): The chosen path.


path = aco.choose_next_path()


Optimizes the goal string. Updates the solutions and the pheromone levels for a given number of iterations and returns the best solution.


  • best_solution (str): The best solution.


best_solution = aco.optimize()
print("Best Matched String:", best_solution)

Usage Examples

Example 1: Optimize a String

In this example, we will optimize the string "Hello ACO" using 10000 ants and 1000 iterations.

aco = AntColonyOptimization(goal="Hello ACO", num_ants=10000, num_iterations=1000)
best_solution = aco.optimize()
print("Best Matched String:", best_solution)

Example 2: Using a Different Number of Ants

In this example, we will optimize the string "Hello ACO" using 5000 ants and 1000 iterations.

aco = AntColonyOptimization(goal="Hello ACO", num_ants=5000, num_iterations=1000)
best_solution = aco.optimize()
print("Best Matched String:", best_solution)

Example 3: Using a Different Evaporation Rate

In this example, we will optimize the string "Hello ACO" using 10000 ants, an evaporation rate of 0.2, and 1000 iterations.

aco = AntColonyOptimization(goal="Hello ACO", num_ants=10000, evaporation_rate=0.2, num_iterations=1000)
best_solution = aco.optimize()
print("Best Matched String:", best_solution)